WMF and EMF files
WMF and EMF files are 2 of the basic file types File Juicer can extract from other files. They are vector graphics formats typically found in Microsoft Office files.
Convert EMF or WMF to PDF
You can use them directly in Microsoft Office, or you can convert them with Graphic Converter.
If you have Microsoft Office you can use it to convert EMF and WMF to PDF. Place the image in an new document and print it to a PDF file. Preview can crop and convert PDF to many other formats.
Microsoft Office comes with an application called "Microsoft Clip Gallery", which allow you to import wmf files and copy them out again as PICT via the clipboard.
The features of WMF and EMF files are very similar to those of Mac OS PICT files which too can contain bitmap and vector graphics.
Today PDF has replaced PICT as the core image file type of Mac OS.